Finding a Work -Life Balance

Finding a work life balance, was over the moon to write this article for Brand You Magazine, a gorgeous magazine. The article shares about the six types of entrepreneur, can you recognise yourself in one of them? There are different solutions to finding a better work life balance, the article includes a wonderful six minute mindfulness Pilates practice for you, how to meditate in one minute, how to use positive affirmation cards, inspiring research and how this can bring you more happiness, confidence and success both personally and in business, a 2 minute boost confidence improve your posture mindfulness Pilates exercise and much more.

Olivia Marocco is editor of this magazine & You can get your copy head over to their Instagram or here there’s a paper copy or digital copy.

Have you read the magazine? Hope it helps & inspires

Mine just arrived in the post, looking forward to reading with a cup of tea.

Love Bev

Thanks to Sarah Van Dort, stylist & WIBN franchisee for the photos

Pilates for entrepreneurs. Prevention is better than cure

It’s podcast day, I’m VERY excited about this episode with web designer Reem Khatib, she has some pearls of wisdom for us women entrepreneurs, not many take this approach & it’s a wise one... it’s out on Apple podcasts, Spotify or my YOU tube channel. you can listen or watch below

Includes a 1 minute meditation & affirmation card message to transform your posture, & calm and strengthen your body & mind.

It’s OUT , you can listen now 😀🙌

Love to know if you tune in? Please subscribe, rate & review.

listen on Apple podcasts here

Listen on Spotify

Or watch on you tube here

Thank you Reem SO much for being today’s guest, Reem is a web designer & here’s how you can find more about her wonderful work

Reem is a Visual Digital Designer with an insatiable curiosity regarding all things design. For over 15 years she has been involved in countless design projects and in different stages of the design spectrum.  Her background covers everything design based, from computer animation to branding, graphics and of course her passion which is web design

Reem Khatib

Reemk Designs

Digital Designer

love Bev

Goals or New Years resolutions

Do you like to set a new year resolution? Goals or both?

Personally I don’t set New Years resolutions any more but I love to set goals all year round, both personal & business goals. How about you?

something I love to teach about is goal setting, every single mindfulness Pilates I teach includes goal setting and personal development, of course for many people they set a goal of practicing mindfulness Pilates to reduce back pain, to feel good again, empower them self with a tool to help themself get stronger, in the core, back, flexibility, but it’s much more than that.

First of all you might like to review 2021. Journal & write down:

1: what were your favourite parts of 2021? What did you enjoy? Your highlights?

2; what were your challenges? How did you overcome them? What solutions or healing did you find.

take some time to reflect & breathe

next take a think if you’d like to add in any of the following in 2022 & beyond?;

1 meditation, breathing & relaxation

2 stretching

3 core stability

4 back strengthening

5 mindset & positive affirmations

this is a powerful formula that I teach which works. For nearly 24 years I’ve been teaching this and with daily practice, proper tuition and technique, the right level for you it works and improves your body, back, mind & happiness levels.

The icing on the cake is adding in:

  • intention setting for the day ahead, write your vision down for the day or to do list! Close your eyes and picture it for a minute

  • write down a goal, small or big, personal or work/ business

  • Close your eyes and daydream about it for a minute

  • write down what came to you

  • Are there any action steps to take?

  • a goal to do list of action steps to take

hope this helps & inspires you in some way

Here’s a goal setting meditation for your life

Here’s a goal setting meditation for your work or business


1: Enjoy some daily meditation

close your eyes & breathe & relax 10 times, sitting, standing or lying down (I mostly meditate lying down!!)

2 stretch everyday

3 strengthen your core stability often

4 strengthen your back regularly

5 mindset & positive affirmations. Pick a positive affirmation card message daily.

Add strength affirmations into your strength exercises, ie

‘my back muscles are getting stronger’.

Invest in a teacher for faster specific results.

picking a card a day will help your back, body, happiness, confidence & calm.

Pick an affirmation right now. Choose one of these 4 messages.
- then think, what does the messsge mean to you?

  • talk about what the message means to you

  • Or write down what the message means to you? (1 minute journalling tip, set an alarm for 1 minute then write down what the message means to you)

2022 is going to be a more positive and happy year. You can steer your body, back, life, work and happiness in the direction you want

be yourself and stay inspired

I’m always here to teach, motivate & inspire you

love Bev

How to avoid a Christmas present wrapping injury (who knew that was a thing)!!???

Yes this can be a thing & one of my old Hertfordshire Pilates clients really hurt her back wrapping presents slumped on the floor, not thinking about her posture & back.

Today my sister Julie turned up at Pilates on zoom with my mum & shared with us that a few days ago she’d strained her back muscles sat on the floor wrapping. unfortunately some of us can’t get away with this anymore.

Julie said: ‘Thank you Bev - needed a good workout after my Christmas present wrapping injury (who knew that was a thing)!!??? X

Tips to prevent Christmas wrapping back pain:

1 sit at the table

2 sit with good posture (your bottom at the back of the chair, perhaps a cushion behind your low back, sit tall, feet hip width apart & feet underneath the knees. Don’t cross your legs. Don’t slouch!!..

3, enjoy wrapping knowing your muscles, discs in your spine and back are saying thank you and merry Christmas to you

4 don’t sit too long. Set an alarm and get up and walk around every 15 minutes, have a stretch!!

Happy birthday to my sister Julie today, Julie’s been a guest on my podcast a few times, also author & coach highly recommend www.Julie

Our weekly mum & daughter Pilates on zoom

It’s never too late to learn & look after you.

bonus tip

Don’t Sit too long. I went to see the film Spider-Man with my son at the weekend, and see the Christmas lights here which was wonderful, however sitting stuck in one position for hours in the cinema, my back hated that, some low level pain & nerve symptoms.. and has taken some time to recover with extra Pilates and stretches, so my top tip is keep moving and do not sit too long otherwise you might regret it.

happy festive holidays & enjoy your Christmas and new year

Love Bev 

Mindfulness Pilates, to reduce back pain to feel good. 

Teaching you on zoom both classes with my Pilates membership or one-to-one programmes. Includes meditation, mindset and positive affirmations, a morning routine, personal development for a work life balance to live happily ever after. 

What’s on in 2022 

  • free 3 minute morning routine video to reduce back pain & feel good, sign up on my website homepage

  • mindfulness Pilates membership, classes on zoom, book in on the website

  • 121 programmes book in on the website or send an email

  • Free taster class, Wednesday 5th Jan 8-9am London time on zoom, book in here;

Book a 20 minute free telephone consultation here:

Happy Christmas, 2 tips for more joy & peace

Sending you lots of JOY and PEACE for happy Christmas holidays as possible for you, your family and friends. Positive affirmation card message of the day is to bring you more and more peace in your life and work, and angel card message of the day it’s all about bringing you more and more joy in your life, how wonderful is that.

How would you like your Christmas or time off to be this year? Make it happen with as much joy and peace as you can, you deserve this. What does today’s positive affirmation and and angel card message mean to you,?

Christmas flash sale, buy a set of happy kids cards and you’ll receive a free deck of angel cards as a gift from me to you. The flash sale is available today and tomorrow until Monday, the 21st of December, you will automatically be sent 2 decks of cards. If you would like it sent with ribbon and a gift card, this will be provided for you at no extra cost, because it’s Christmas!

More about the happy kids cards & order yours on my happy kids cards page

lots joy & peace to you

Love Bev