Pilates can really help with a bad back, however it’s about doing exactly the right exercises for you. I specialise in helping people with their backs.
Does any of this sound familiar?
‘I have a low back problem
weak back
my back goes three times a year
I get back muscle spasms picking up the grandchildren
i have a back problem
a prolapsed or bulging disc
you’ve had a back operation such as a discectomy or spinal fusion
you’re stiff as a board
if any of this sounds familiar there’s lots you can do about it. I always recommend seeing your GP first, often having some physio, osteopathy or chiropractic treatments are needed & specific rehabilitation exercises
you may need an X-ray or MRI scan for a clear diagnosis. This helps a lot because then you can learn the best Pilates exercises for you, many will help & it’s important you avoid the ones that won’t help.
Learning not just from a qualified teacher is vital but also that they’re experienced & understand what you need help with. I’ve been a Pilates expert 21 years now & love helping you with your back. Seek medical advice before starting a new exercise regime. Best learnt with a teacher for good technique.
Here’s 6 tricks to try at home
have a lie down & breathe 10 times, & relax
Breathe in through your nose as you exhale through your mouth relax, repeat 10 times
Breathe in through your nose as you exhale through your mouth relax, repeat 10 times
Here’s the Pilates have a lie down to improve posture, alignment, relax & release the muscles
2 How to do a daily Gentle back stretch - you can do this on a mat or in bed
3: This is one of the BEST daily stretches for your back & to improve posture. Side to side stretch.
4: Shoulder bridges to strengthen your legs, buttocks & gently release & lengthen your back - join in here
& 5 minute beach relaxation to calm & relax body & mind, good for your muscles, back & posture too
6: and the final tip is; Pilates, breathe, relax, repeat!!
Love to hear how you get on, practice is key, try these before breakfast daily & see & feel the difference. Or find a good time to suit you. You really can feel good with Pilates
Love Bev
Pilates expert
Specialise in helping people with their backs to feel good