how to beat a bad back, 5 tricks to try at home

Yes of course mindfulness Pilates always helps, but before you start, it’s always good to consult your doctor or good physiotherapist, osteopath or chiropractor first 

These are the 5 tips, 

1 relaxation and meditation 

2 stretch 

3 core stability 

4 back strengthening 

5 mindset and positive affirmations 

Today let’s focus on relaxation & meditation, in mindfulness Pilates we focus mostly on the Pilates core stability breathing but I also teach relaxation breathing which is ideal during meditation. When I’m teaching my mindfulness Pilates 121 programmes & classes on zoom, you get to enjoy a 30 second sitting or standing meditation, a 1 minute have a lie down meditation and 5 minute meditation for you at the end. 

This helps both your back, body and mind, it calms and soothes the nervous system with a brilliant de-stressing effect but it’s also good for your spinal alignment, muscle balance, posture & muscles, which may relieve some tension, tightness & stiffness in the muscles too. 

Enjoy today’s 5 minute body scan relaxation here 

How do you feel after?  Gift 🎁 it to a friend if you like. 

Love Bev 

Helping back pain sufferers to alleviate their discomfort and enjoy their favourite exercise, sport & lifestyle by doing the one-to-one reduce back pain mindfulness Pilates programme.

How to work with me is on the website or contact me on the contact page