Sadly this is the case, that we either have a back problem ourself or we know someone, whether it’s a friend, family or work colleague who has varying degrees of a back problem. The thing is, it isn’t something we have to continue to suffer with in the same way we are now, you can do something about it. A good first port of call is always seeing your Doctor and then either a Physiotherapist, Osteopath, Chiropractor or consultant. Yes it’s always a very good idea to have a diagnosis of what’s going on. This is important as then you can learn to do the best things for you and your body and back.
The thing is if you want to have clean, healthy teeth and fresh minty breath, you’ve got to brush your teeth properly and regularly. It’s the same with your back and body, it doesn’t just magically stay in shape and strong. If you do absolutely nothing for it, it will gradually become weaker and deteriorate, let alone any past accidents, work related postural strain or muscle imbalances and misalignments that have happened along the way.
For me back problems started from a very young age, I was over training as a young junior national squash player and I remember very well doing this fitness training with ‘Brian bomber harris’ with a medicine ball, doing fitness that I was probably too underdeveloped for and cross country running, one of my favourite things became oh so painful running up steep hills. I had to stop, and it became a vicious circle of going for treatments, scans, a few exercises, ok for a bit then it would re-cur again and again.
This went on and on and in Australia I finally found Pilates, something that I could help myself with, something that I could be empowered with, strengthen my body and back with. What a relief. But then a bad road traffic accident happened. I wasn’t defeated, I was alive and I made a fresh start, worked through the pain and re-habilitation and was grateful that it’s become an important, not just an important part of my life, but vital part. As much as brushing my teeth!! I can’t live without pilates, like a plaster it feels like it holds me together, I feel my back needs it, I’m grateful for the quality of life it gives me, no I don’t play squash anymore, attempt any more golf lessons or run too far.
But I can walk in beautiful nature, cycle and enjoy daily mindfulness Pilates, stand up paddleboarding in the summer and have fun in my life again. That’s a GIFT, a true gift. You can make the positive change too, it’s possible. I help motivate you on your journey. There’s always positive change waiting for you
Love Bev Beverley Densham BSc (Hons) Pilates teacher of 22 years
Reduce back pain with mindfulness pilates