1 way to build mind body strength

It's been a wonderful work and personal day today, yet all days aren't like that, sunday night I was unwell and had to postpone my monday work, it was so nice today to be back on sparkly form and for that I'm truly grateful. Something that is very apparent lately is how many people have lost their oomph, zest, motivation, enthusiasm, perhaps feeling low, anxious or even depressed. (obviously if you are depressed it's good to seek the advice of a doctor as there is so much help available these days).

Mind body strength comes from many different angles, as you know I have 2 podcasts a week now, my son said to me? Why don't you just have one podcast? Well maybe he's right, but at the moment there feels overall quite a big difference between the two yet the overall goal is to help you with your overall strength and happiness in mind, body and spirit. The thing is when we've been through all sorts of different past stress, it call leave us feeling splat. Yet you can do something about it, things don't have to stay the same, they really don't. But the thing is, its not as easy as waving a magic wand and everything will be sorted and happy, you have to put time and effort in with regular good habits that make you feel better on a daily basis such as having a morning routine.

Do you have one? Even 6 minutes can make a huge difference. this is what I get all my clients to do. Yes some do more, but what they notice that they know they can achieve this and they do. You can too.

I was chatting away to my Mum and sister in the next mindfulness Pilates podcast about motivation and what motivates them and then why they are motivated to do pilates with me.

I carry on the conversation, which you'll love with Author Karen Kay which will be out in next weeks I talk to angels podcast which includes Karen sharing her morning routine, we have something in common there and you can too.

One way I'm helping more and more people with their mindset, happiness and body is with my mind body strength membership. Some go full on seeing me 3 times a week for more rapid results and some weekly, you're welcome to try out a freebie session first or the one to one 6 week programmes available too.

What's unique about my Pilates? of course it includes mindset with positive affirmation cards, a card picked especially for you whilst you stretch or an angel card and starting and ending with meditation. All on zoom forever so it doesn't matter where you live in the world.

you’re now invited to join me at BWT physio at the studio there if you’re local to Poole Dorset

Like brushing our teeth, we have to keep brushing them at least twice a day. Same with our mind body strength, luckily it's enjoyable! See you soon

Love Bev

Beverley Densham BSc (Hons)


Pilates teacher of over 23 years Reduce back pain and feel good with mindfulness pilates