1 way to stretch your hamstrings to help your back

So it’s really important to stretch. I say to clients all the time to relax, stretch, strengthen the core, strengthen the back, repeat. And that’s basically it!! It’s important not to just focus on the back though and work on the body as a whole too. The big (not so secret), secret to all of this is practice, it’s like brushing your teeth you have to keep doing it, I find that hamstrings are particularly stubborn muscles and they need a lot of tender loving care and attention, they need stretching, I give my hamstrings some attention everyday with a hamstring stretch, this is a really good version of a hamstring stretch and really hope you enjoy it today. Take 5 breaths in and out each side, it’s really worth investing in a band as it gives you so much more support. Enjoy

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Love Bev 

Beverley Densham BSc (Hons)

Pilates teacher of 22 years 

Reduce back pain and feel good with mindfulness pilates


ps listen to the mindfulness pilates podcast here