Stress management for law firms team day

Thank you again for having me teach the Stress to Calm stress management wellbeing workshop on your team day Woodstock at the Nici in Bournemouth, Dorset

It was an incredible session.

Here’s a quick snapshot of what your team wanted to achieve:

  • Tips for staying calm & managing stress

  • Ways to regain calm and de-stress as empaths

  • Energizing and calming techniques

  • Recognizing when to slow down & reset

  • Stress coping techniques, balancing work & personal life

Before the workshop, some felt anxious, nervous, or stressed, but after, many reported feeling more relaxed, energized, and calm! On average, stress was reduced by 56% across the group. One participant felt no change but still experienced a calmer mindset.

Loved doing a book signing for you all with stress to calm in 7 minutes for lawyers

Well done to everyone for fully engaging in the workshop. Keep up the great work managing stress.

Love Bev

#StressManagement #wellbeing #teamday #teambuilding #stress #calm #stresstocalm