Life is like the waves of the sea
There are good, challenging and sad times of life
Like the weather, the sun comes out, it rains, there is a rainbow, it snows, there's sleet, theres a thunderstorm
Find your happy place
find things that make you feel good, whatever that is for you
Talk to those you trust
talk about how you feel
find an exercise you love
Life is quite a journey, I shared some of my mental health journey on my latest episode of my podcast, a re-launch, it always includes breathing, relaxation, meditation to help with mental health and happiness, the latest one is a 4 minute aeroplane take off meditation, whether you're flying or not the breathing tools are great to de-stress, help you feel calmer and stronger in body and mind, release tension or sleep better. Listen on the podcast page or below on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or your favourite place
Thats my gift to you today
Let me know if you tune in or how it helps
Sending love everyday, it’s world mental health day everyday
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photography by @sasfihoperossphotography