Hip replacement surgery transformation in my Dad (with my help!)

How are you feeling? What does your body & you need?

Been very busy last week looking after my dad after his hip replacement, initially visiting him in hospital & after the initial pain, he is recovering so well & flourishing & I’ve been teaching all the 3-4 times a day physio exercises in their home & helping with the walking & all movements.. he’s getting stronger & I believe will definitely get back to playing golf at 84 years young.

I absolutely loved seeing all of my family, friends, helping my dad A LOT, still networking and looking after my 121 programme clients on zoom (grateful for technology) and being a good mum… that’s a lot, so it’s time for a weekend off

Now back in Dorset teaching my dad after his hip replacement on zoom daily doing the physio exercises, he’s getting stronger & I believe will definitely get back to playing golf at 84 years young.

He loves the mindfulness too, breathing, relaxation, meditation, positive affirmations and when it was initially a challenge to walk with the sticks & frustrations & negative thinking kicking in, I helped him turn this around & kept saying well done for each achievement & lots of encouragement, that makes a big difference

It’s very important to follow the consultants guidelines to gain the most successful results post surgery, ie not crossing the legs, not picking things off the floor or not using the support of the sticks. I saw my dad do all these things & reiterated that to prevent problems or dislocation to not do this. Thankfully he listened & it went smoothly after a few teething problems.

At the end of the day it’s about finding a new quality of life again, living life to the full & enjoying your passions in life again, for my Dad that’s golf.

Post op posture has transformed (with my help!) & quality of life is returning, having been an England table tennis player in his younger days & then ending up hardly able to walk through pain not easy, balance affected & hip giving way, but thankfully an excellent job by the surgeons.

See the photo above of his posture transformation. No longer severely bent over, phew!, his golf handicap I reckon will go down!! I will keep you posted on progress

We’ve worked on strength affirmations a lot such as:

my hip is getting stronger

My balance is improving

My posture is improving

I am getting golf ready

Whilst he is doing his exercises & he confidently said them out loud

& with each set of exercises understanding which muscles are strengthening, for example the side of the hip, back of the hip, front of the hip, balance, etc etc. having a goal is a great focus. I’d already taught my dad the hip rehabilitation prior to the operation so he was already familiar & weekly 121s prepared his body well plus he was dedicated to walking in the swimming pool & doing his standing exercises in the pool prior to the op

Even smiling after the operation. On my mums birthday. I will update the blog when he’s back on the golf course

My top values are family, wellbeing & making a difference and this ticked all the boxes & glad I could be there to help at this challenging, difficult then hopeful strengthening time as that makes a huge difference as well to not just my Dad but to my mum & the rest of the family.

Love Bev

Beverley Densham

Mindfulness Pilates teacher and Author

Ps (If you know anyone who needs more intense/ regular 121 programme help just get in touch)

Just before the operation I sent this calming affirmation ‘it’s going to be ok’ & to do some calming mindfulness & breathing, I sent an audio with the sea in the background , breathing in for 3 and out for a count of 4 relax. Give it a try

Cards from the happy & calm cards

Benefits of Pilates

Very excited to be interviewed on Janey Lee Grace podcast is out today! first time I’ve talked about being sober, painful moments, Pilates, link to body & emotional pain, the metaphysical & lots more.

Janey has a great community called the sober club which highly recommend www.thesoberclub.com & even Sober Coach training, how fantastic is that.

Love to know if you tune in

Love Bev


Mending your mind & body with mindfulness Pilates

Over the moon to be interviewed on the Brave New Girl podcast with Lou Hamilton

Lou says: ‘Beverley's story has led her doing what she does now and it is all the more powerful for the journey that has taken her here.

 During the Pandemic she lost her brother Rich when he died suddenly one night. Grief is tough at the best of times but the pandemic made it even harder. They had been very close as children but Rich suffered with Bipolar Disorder and the fallout from that was that Bev had to keep her distance somewhat, so they had grown apart over time.

But as children with their two other siblings it had been a pretty idyllic, happy, simple life. However despite that Bev found it very hard to communicate, and that only got more difficult, as she grew older and went off to University.

After that though she seemed to get into her stride, as a free spirit travelling and learning Pilates on the beach in Sydney. But her happiness was short-lived. One day while cycling to work she was smashed into by a car and thrown to the tarmac. 

Her physical injuries were bad and the pain was intense but it was the emotional trauma that overshadowed her as she tried to heal.

She suffered suffered post traumatic stress, panic attacks, depression and chronic fatigue. But after a few unsuccessful attempts at therapy she found someone who helped forgive the woman who had crashed into her, and that put her on the road to recovery.

That was when she started her mindful pilates practice, helping people be strong in mind, body and business, and ultimately to be happy and have the tools to empower them everyday.

She believes that courage is an inner determination, a light shining within that you can’t blow out and will help you through anything no matter what. 

Thanks so much Beverley for sharing how you have overcome adversity and created a toolbox for people that they can use as a daily practice to face the challenges of life and embrace the blessings. Thanks also for showing us that by using our bodies, minds and spirituality we can live full lives in each moment not matter what comes our way.

LISTEN  here

Mindful on the mat drawing by Lou Hamilton

Here’s the Chaos to calm blog written by Lou Hamilton, read here

How have to turned chaos in your life into calm?

There is always light at the end of the tunnel.

Mindful on the mat, love this blog & drawing by Lou Hamilton which Lou drew for me, with gratitude

What are you grateful for today?

I am grateful for having a voice, expressing how I feel & giving you a voice too

Love Bev

Let’s talk money & more

a big celebration that I was interviewed on one of my favourite podcasts ‘let’s talk money & more’ with Lesley Thomas, Lesley says:

‘In this episode I talk with Bev Densham, who is an author and mindfulness Pilates teacher of 24 years.

Key Takeaways

Bev focused on personal development and healing. Doing meditation, mindful pilates, affirmations, reading, learning, journaling and visualising has helped her immensely on her journey.

Wealth is an attitude, it's not a destination.

You can Listen on Apple podcasts here:

Did you tune in?

Love Bev

Beverley Densham,


mindfulness Pilates Teacher & Author

Unbroken my story

Have been interviewed on Madeleine Black Unbroken podcast, the episode is out today, the most deep interview I’ve ever done

Madeleine says: ‘Some people seem to experience a catalogue of events in their life, and I’m always amazed how they draw strength from these events and come back stronger and brighter than they were before!’

Some key points from our interview:

🎧 How she feels that she did feel broken and destroyed in the past, but she’s come back braver and better than before

🎧 How after a serious road traffic accident when she was hit by a car when she was cycling, she developed depression, chronic fatigue and PTSD

🎧 How she discovered Pilates which inspired her to heal and set up her own studio

🎧 How she had a pre eclamptic fit during childbirth and nearly died again but believes she survived to protect her son and give others a voice

🎧 How she and her three-year-old son had to flee their home due to domestic abuse

🎧 How she had to learn to heal herself again but her creativity opened up again as a result

🎧 How she loves to encourage others to connect with their guardian angels

🎧 How she is now thriving in life and business after overcoming all of her challenges

Thank you so much for having me

Please rate & review

Love Bev

👉 🎧 🎙 You can listen to the show here:

You can watch the highlights here: