How to go from stress to calm in one minute

How to go from stress to calm in one minute

Stop what you’re doing and join in with my ONE MINUTE FROM STRESS TO CALM, from just doing this while sitting at your desk.

You’ll feel the benefits mentally and physically, and cope better under stress.

Join in here

How do you feel after?

I’ve been teaching more lawyers lately & been offering ‘working through stress to calm workshops and classes on zoom for lawyers that help with mental health, happiness, resilience, wellbeing & work life balance

Hope you find this 1 minute tool really helpful

Kind regards


Beverley Densham

Mindfulness Pilates teacher & Author

#stressatwork #stressrelief #corporatehealth #lawyers #calm #HR #stressreduction

Won an award

I won… Emotional happy to be the winner of the Janey Loves platinum awards 2022, in the Practitioner category, for my Mindfulness Pilates teaching, dedicated over 24 years to mindfulness Pilates & those I help with this unique work.

A heartfelt Thank you. To Janey Lee Grace For her tireless work for the good, always grateful for my Dad for me a holistic workshop for me & my sister Julie New - Personal recovery coach & Author all those years ago, what a path it led me on.

Lovely to see Raphaela UK Health Radio

, thank you Mum, thank you Julie & Jane & Kevin Hello Love and to everyone who voted, every client I’ve worked with or life I’ve helped for the better.

With gratitude

Bev x

#platinumawards #imperfectlynatural

Photos from the awards at hello live in London

With my Mum & Sophia Kupse

Nibbles & champagne (alcohol free) of course! As Janey Lee Grace says: ‘keep the ritual change the ingredients’

Janey with Kevin from Hello Love

Raphaela from UK Health radio

Part of my team, meet Sonny Etchell who produces my podcast, mindfulness Pilates podcast,

feel stronger happy & calm

Thank you Janey, the judges, sponsors, Hello Love, & all my holistic friends, old & new & my favourite gift in the goody bags:

Working through stress to calm

Do you get stressed?

Here’s 3 working through stress to calm tips for you;

1 breathe. Take a 1 minute break, set an alarm for 1 minute, sit or lie down & take 10 relaxing breaths in & out, in through your nose & out through your mouth relax

2 do a power pose, place your hands on your hips, side of your neck then punch the arms in the air and say to yourself the positive affirmation ‘I am enough’

3 stretch, get up from your desk at least every hour, circle your shoulders 5 times

You’re invited to the Stress to calm class Tuesday 13th, 20th or 27th September

Time: 12.30pm-1pm

At the zoom studio

The working through stress to calm class at the desk, will teach you 7 one minute tools for stress to calm, for inner strength, resilience, success & calm.

What to bring: bring along a pen, notebook/ journal & water & cup of tea 

More about it here

Enjoy your first class for free in exchange of a testimonial

‘Bev recently did a workshop with my colleagues and I aimed at reducing stress. As family lawyers, our jobs can be quite stressful and it was a pleasure to spend 30 minutes with Bev learning some techniques to quickly feel more relaxed and reduce stress during the working day, as well as tips about how to feel physically more comfortable spending 8 hours a day at a desk.

Bev is very knowledgeable and passionate about what she does. We all went away feeling refreshed and I would really recommend these classes , along with Bevs other services.' Hilary Lettin

email me to book your first class

Look forward to seeing you

Enjoy your stress to calm tips

Love Bev

Beverley Densham

Mindfulness Pilates teacher and Author